After the break...

.. after the 2 weeks break here for the BLOG i will start with another MADONNA FOREVER Mix, pics of the week and some other Mash ups. Hope you will write me a comment... Stay tuned !

Madonna back in school?

Madonna `s battle to defy the aging process reached new heights last night.
The singer dressed up as a naughty schoolgirl for the Jewish celebration of Purim at the Kabbalah center in New York.

Wearing a white shirt and tie, waistcoat, small grey skirt and 80s style sunglasses, Madge strolled into the centre and was happy to pose for snappers.

Her rumoured new lover, JESUS LUZ, dressed up as the Joker and was accompanied by JESSICA SEINFELD, wife of funnyman JERRY, who wore aPersian princess costume.

The pair held each others' hand and pretended to be a couple to waiting snappers.

Lady Madonna goes GAGA

Sometimes she go gaga !

Madonna vs. Lady Gaga 
Give it 2 Poker Face

Another mashUp for you !

Fighting for our Love?

What was on this day special ??? Friday 13th

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WOW - what a party !

Oh yes. The first SciFi Night was a intergalactic meeting. Starshiptroopers, Aliens, Robots, Borgs and also Humans found the right way in the Galaxy. It was a amazing party, with amazing people. Ok, ok someone was little scary about the BORG, but this party was a absolutly peacefully. 
I played a Mix of House and Dance , mashed up with Songs and Themes from/like:
Flash Gordon
Captain Future
Rocky Horror Show
Star Wars
Captain Future
Starship Edelweiss
Star Trekk
special songs :
Jamiroquai - Cosmic Girl
Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
Naksi & Brunner - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
United Citizen Federation feat. Sarah brightman - Starship Troopers
Peter Schilling - Major Tom
Mario Chris - Space Invaders
Mandoryna - Spaceman Come To Traveling
and much more...

Special Thx To Yarame Baraka to shoot the Pictures !

Warm up Mix ...

Friday is SCIENCE FICTION Night at Club Pride Colors. I made a 6 minutes warm up Mix for you. Have fun and dont forget the party on friday ( is also a SECOND PRIDE Fundraiser )

Starship Troopers - Sarah Brightman
Captain Future - Phil Fuldner
Starship Edelweiss - Edelweiss
Captain Future - Orig. Theme

Pics of the week

Whats going on with Sarco Sound ?

Lots of people ask me, whats going on with the Sarco Sound Group. I was also a member of this group and i am really sorry the group closed. Here a copy from InVdaily Blog:
Many of you will have heard and seen DJ’s from the popular Sarco Sound group. It was a group originally setup by Sarcophilus Halderman a couple of years back to include a roster of international DJ’s that would perform under the “Sarco Sound” banner. Sarco himself was the head DJ and his group spawned out many other popular DJs including Andrey Messmer, HarleyMC Homewood and Anjey Amat to name just a few. Earlier this morning, Sarco announced that he was closing his group and taking time away from SL citing RL personal issues. Sarco has subsequently deleted everybody from his group and Sarco Sound is now effectively defunct. Here is a copy of his press release that he issued this morning:

“Due to a number of reasons, I will be away from SL for an extended period of time, 

Consequently,I have also taken the decision to wind-up sarco sound and friends of sarco sound

It was a bold experiment and I'm very proud of all we have achieved in the last 2 years 

Unfortunately, I find it increasingly difficult to sustain things from financial, emotional and energy points of view.

If you wish to continue receiving notices for your favourite DJs I recommend you join their groups.”